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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Faulty headset.

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Faulty headset.
Texte à traduire
Proposé par Claire---31
Langue de départ: Anglais

If your headset is faulty, the shop has to replace it and contact its distributor. SouthWing is only the manufacturer and there is an agreement with German distributors that specifies they have to replace the faulty products.
9 Janvier 2006 12:50

Derniers messages


9 Janvier 2006 13:25

Nombre de messages: 3785
You asked "english to english", is this what you really want?

9 Janvier 2006 13:31

Nombre de messages: 20
yes, I want a correction of this text.

9 Janvier 2006 14:08

Nombre de messages: 11
As a native English speaker, I see nothing wrong with the text as written, except perhaps a small ambiguity: who has to replace the faulty products? Is it Southwing, the German distributors or the retail shop? Also, who is the agreement between? The shops and the distributors, or the distributors and the manufacturer?