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Traduction - Serbe-Anglais - Zdravlje je najveće bogatstvo. Biti zdrav i mlad...

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Zdravlje je najveće bogatstvo. Biti zdrav i mlad...
Proposé par darkon
Langue de départ: Serbe

Zdravlje je najveće bogatstvo. Biti zdrav i mlad je privilegija koju treba ceniti. Šta je lepota ako ne vera, ljubav i zdravlje?

Health is the biggest treasure...

Traduit par maki_sindja
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Health is the biggest treasure. Being healthy and young is a privilege that should be appreciated. What is beauty if not faith, love and health?
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 24 Novembre 2009 14:24

Derniers messages


18 Novembre 2009 13:08

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Maki,

just a couple of corrections:

Be healthy ---> Being healthy
What is beauty is not a faith,... ---> What is beauty if not (-) faith,...

19 Novembre 2009 02:22

Nombre de messages: 1206
Thanks Lili!

I don't know how I put 's' instead of 'f'... How stupid of me!

You can start a poll now.