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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Carefully press and hold finger on the center of target briefly...

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Carefully press and hold finger on the center of target briefly...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par mara cristina de souza
Langue de départ: Anglais

Carefully press and hold finger on the center of target briefly. Repeat as the target moves around the screen.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Before edit:
carefully press and hold finger on the center of target briefly. Repeart as the target around the screen.
Dernière édition par Bamsa - 20 Avril 2012 21:41

Derniers messages


20 Avril 2012 19:57

Nombre de messages: 1524
Except to change the flag from Japanese to English, does this text need any correction

CC: lilian canale Lein kafetzou

20 Avril 2012 20:23

Nombre de messages: 7963
There are a couple of typos, and one formatting error. It should read as follows:

Carefully press and hold finger on the center of target briefly. Repeat as the target moves around the screen.

21 Avril 2012 00:06

Nombre de messages: 1524
Thanks Laura