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Traduction - Portuguais brésilien-Anglais - se quando deus se desenho ele tava na morando

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: Portuguais brésilienAnglaisHébreu

se quando deus se desenho ele tava na morando
Proposé par drjb
Langue de départ: Portuguais brésilien

se quando deus se desenho ele tava na morando....
Commentaires pour la traduction
מישהו יכול לתרגם לי?

If when God drew you, he was dating

Traduit par milenabg
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

If when God drew you, he was dating
Commentaires pour la traduction
This is a part of a music, and the correct is not "na morando" but "namorando". There is no sense in portuguese say "na morando". You can "morar" (= live) but you can never put the preposition "na" before this verb.
Another point: The music say: quando Deus "TE" desenhou and not "se" desenhou. If you want to say, quando Deus se desenhou, is the same that say: when God drew himself.
Dernière édition ou validation par Chantal - 15 Septembre 2006 16:24