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Texte d'origine - Bulgare - капка кръв

Etat courantTexte d'origine
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: BulgareFrançaisSerbe

Catégorie Explications

капка кръв
Texte à traduire
Proposé par sammer123
Langue de départ: Bulgare

искам да съм капка кръв да се влея във вени те ти, да мина през ума ти и да се потопя в църцето ти, за да видя дали съм там
18 Juillet 2007 07:29

Derniers messages


14 Octobre 2007 01:17

Nombre de messages: 930
English version goes something like this :

I wish I was a drop of blood, to flow through your veins, to pass through your soul, to get into your heart and see if I was there.

Can you tell me if it is correct so I could validate the serbian translation?

Thank you in advance!

CC: tempest

16 Octobre 2007 20:25

Nombre de messages: 87
100% correct
sorry for not answering we are now in a new flat and we just connected to the net
next few days I will take care of all things i have neglected the past month
long live The BALKANS
talk to you soon