-45 gr. tereyağı (3 çorba kş.) -350 gr. kuzu eti (küçük küpler biçiminde doğranmış) -1 adet soğan (rendelenip, tülbentten geçirilerek suyu sıkılmış) -500 ml su (2 su bardağı) -1 adet limon (suyu) -25 gr. un 3 çorba kş.
ankarahastanesi에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 5월 6일 21:10
Hello FIGEN KIRCI, I've reset this Turkish translation to evaluation, because there must be an error with the Thai original text. I suppose you validated the Turkish translation according to the English one, but nothing proves the English one's corresponding to the Thai one, we've got to check the English text in first, then if the English text is validated according to the Thai one, no problem, you'll validate the Turkish version again. Thank you.