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10Dịch - English-French - if you feel like leaving I wont beg ...

Current statusDịch
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This translation request is "Meaning only".
if you feel like leaving I wont beg ...
Submitted by akdenizlife
Source language: English

if you feel like leaving I wont beg you to stay
Remarks about the translation
<edit> "i" (9thletter from the Latin alphabet)with "I" (first person singular pronoun in English, way it reads is "i"in caps)</edit> (01/28/francky)

Si tu as envie de partir, je ne te ...

Translated by Francky5591
Target language: French

Si tu as envie de partir, je ne te retiendrai pas.
Remarks about the translation
littéralement, si tu as envie de partir, je ne te supplierai pas de rester. mais je pense que l'expression est idiomatique, et en France c'est ce que nous employons le plus souvent ("je ne te retiendrai pas")
Validated by Francky5591 - 28 Tháng 1 2009 12:26