Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Latín-Enskt - Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam

Núverðandi støðaUmseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: LatínEnskt

Bólkur Setningur

Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam
Framborið av Najatte
Uppruna mál: Latín

Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam
Viðmerking um umsetingina
Poetry title

The brief sum of life forbids us the hope of enduring long

Umsett av pias
Ynskt mál: Enskt

The brief sum of life forbids us the hope of enduring long
Góðkent av lilian canale - 14 Mai 2008 18:58

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12 Mai 2008 15:31

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
I'm lost here!

Could you explain in other words this line, please?

12 Mai 2008 15:43

Tal av boðum: 8113
Yes, another try: "The brevity of life forbids us to entertain hopes of long duration". You know Lilian ...this is a poem by Ernest Dowson, that I found here.

My knowledge of Latin is so to say "not good"

12 Mai 2008 16:34

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Those poets like to make things difficult for us, ordinary mortal beings!

12 Mai 2008 16:58

Tal av boðum: 4
Ernest Dowson! Probably the right translation... Thank you

They are not long, the weeping and the laughter,
Love and desire and hate
I think they have no portion in us after
We pass the gate

They are not long the days of wine and roses:
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while, then closes
Within a dream

So I believe that "the brevity of life forbids us to entertain hopes of long duration" is quite close. For my part, being French I wrote: La vie est courte et ne permet pas de nourrir des longues espérances.
Thank you for your help.

12 Mai 2008 17:27

Tal av boðum: 8113
Good if you are happy with the "result" Najatte.

Yes Lilian...they (poets) know how to complicate things.

So ...shall I edit to "The brevity of life forbids us to entertain hopes of long duration"?

12 Mai 2008 18:04

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
If that is the "official" translation let's keep it.

12 Mai 2008 18:09

Tal av boðum: 1180

12 Mai 2008 19:04

Tal av boðum: 4
Thanks Pirulito... do you agree with the translation ?

12 Mai 2008 19:07

Tal av boðum: 8113
Hm ...I can't understand the poem in Latin, but you are kind pirulito...always give a lot of input to the translations. Maybe Lilian or Najatte reads Latin.

Lilian ...I don't know if that is the "official" translation, but I think so. At least that is how Ernest Dowson interpret that Latin "line".

A third interpretation here.

12 Mai 2008 20:24

Tal av boðum: 4
by the way I browsed on (Horace) and found:
How should a mortal's hopes be long, when short his being's date ?
by John Conington, M.A. Oxford University

With all due respect: the latin text was not a question.

12 Mai 2008 20:33

Tal av boðum: 4
Thanks to you all... for your help. I'm quite satisfied with the result and I might read a few more lines by Horace, or at least try to.