Hi! I´m new here and i´m not sure if I understand quite sure your request... Did "a bridge" means you want a explanation about the meaning of the original expression? The expression in portuguese (that I asked to be translate in Latin) "Nós que aqui estamos por vós esperamos" means something like "Us, who are here, for you (plural) are waiting"/"Us here are here waiting for you". It´s a tipical line at cemetery´s gate (it´s a little ironic, but respectfull) and it´s also a name of very good brazilian documentary. It´s sounds like the dead who are resting at the cemetery are advertising the living, remembering them that someday in future they (the living) will also be at the same condition as the dead. Its like "memento mori", don´t be too vain - someday we will be the same again... Sorry my bad english! Best regards!
Thank you cmqm for your explanations. I will consider them during evaluation for sure. But actually I asked Lizzz our expert in Brasilian Portuguese to make me a bridge (=English translation), because I don't know the source language and as an expert in Latin I'd like to know if the Latin translation conveys the meaning of the Portuguese line. So I neet to wait for Lizzz's confirmation of your English translation. This is how Cucumis works. Please be patient. Regards.