Peste 30 de persoane din judeţul Iaşi care au participat în acest sfârşit de săptămână la nunţi au ajuns la Unitatea de Primire a Urgenţelor(UPU) de la Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţe 'Sfântul Ioan'
Πάνω από 30 άνθÏωποι στη χώÏα ΙaÈ™i...
"More than 30 person from Iaşi county, person that attended weddings this weekend, ended in Emergency Receiving Unit (UPU) of the Emergency Hospital 'Sfântul Ioan' (Saint John in English). "
I am not 100 per cent sure about how the hospital is named, but this is quite closed to the initial text. I hope it helps.