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Oversættelse - Tysk-Engelsk - Gewundert...

Aktuel statusOversættelse
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: TyskEngelsk

Kategori Erhverv / Jobs

Tilmeldt af luciene
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Tysk

1. Gewundert kann sich eigentlich niemand haben. Der Vorstand hat ausgesprochen, was von ihm zu erwarten war.

3. Vorangegangen waren den Besichtigungen 111 Anfragen, auf die Sachsens Werber mit 400 Standortangeboten reagierten -80 mehr als im Jahr zuvor

german -English

Oversat af molotoka
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

1. Actually,nobody can be surprised.The board of the directors has enunciated what was expected from them.

3. 111 inquiries, on which the canvassers of Saxony reacted with 400 location offers - 80 more than a year before, had led the way to the inspections
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Chantal - 9 Juni 2006 09:53

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7 Juni 2006 17:22

Antal indlæg: 878
Because there were some mistakes, i changed it a bit, but I'm not quite sure if this the actually meaning..

8 Juni 2006 07:57

Antal indlæg: 156
please, is there someone speaking GERMAN, who can visit and help this translation?

8 Juni 2006 14:52

Antal indlæg: 220
Yes, sorry!
Well, the first paragraph seems strange to me because of two points: "sich wundern" ("sich gewundert haben" is past tense) means "to wonder, to be surprised", not "to surprise oneself". And I wonder about the "finished", in the German text, there's just "has spoken" ( or "spoke", or with the verb "enunciate" ), but my native language is not English...
The subordinate clause ( which, in my eyes, must be completed to "on WHICH the canvassers of Saxony REACTED with 400 location offers" ) refers to the "inquires", not to the "inspections".
Besides, it's not bad translated, esspecially "to lead the way to" is, in my opinion, a nice idea to express "etw. vorangehen".
That's all I can say, hope I could help.

9 Juni 2006 07:14

Antal indlæg: 156
thank you Rumo!

I've changed the translation according to your suggestions. I'm going to validate it tomorrow, if it sounds good to everyone...

9 Juni 2006 09:52

Antal indlæg: 878