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Översättning - Grekiska-Engelska - ζησε με το θελω τησ καρδιασ σου και οχι με το...

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Denna textöversättning avser Endast Betydelsen.
ζησε με το θελω τησ καρδιασ σου και οχι με το...
Tillagd av giannis1988
Källspråk: Grekiska

ζησε με το θελω τησ καρδιασ σου και οχι με το πρεπει των αλλων

Live according to...

Översatt av Tzicu-Sem
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

Live with the "I want" of your heart and not with the "you have to" of the others.
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 8 Februari 2010 15:26

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6 Februari 2010 16:36

Antal inlägg: 1910
It's a paralel between your wish and the exigency of others. Live according to what your heart wants and not according to what the others want you to do, others' requirements, "must do".

7 Februari 2010 13:11

Antal inlägg: 338
I agree with Freya
Perhaps the parallel between what your hearts desires and what the others want you to do is already highlighted in the original text?

CC: Freya

7 Februari 2010 15:08

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
"Live according to the wishes of your heart, not according to what other people want/demand from you"

Would that convey the original?

CC: Freya Sweet Dreams ghasemkiani

7 Februari 2010 15:32

Antal inlägg: 1910
I can't say anything about the Greek source, my opinion was based only on the Spanish translation and I guess Tzicu-Sem translated according to the Greek text, probably.

7 Februari 2010 16:49

Antal inlägg: 175
Same as Freya.

7 Februari 2010 18:16

Antal inlägg: 74
I think the translation should also have quotation marks around the two central words of the expression. I also think "quiero" is closer to "I want" "I need" "I love" than on the word desire... And´"deber" is closer to "ought to" or "must"...

7 Februari 2010 18:39

Sweet Dreams
Antal inlägg: 2202
"Live according to the wishes of your heart, not according to what other people want/demand from you" sounds good to me.

8 Februari 2010 13:49

Antal inlägg: 276
In Greek, the literal translation would be "Live with the I want of your heart and not with the you must/have to of the others."

I would say that we should keep that way to express the idea, and the quotation marks would clarify the meaning:

Live with the "I want" of your heart and not with the "you have to" of the others.

8 Februari 2010 16:51

Antal inlägg: 493

I'm lost in these comments. I think it is about several target languages.
Yes, I translated it from Greek so maybe better to check with a Greek expert...