Co wy mi tu pieprzycie,że obce języki znacie? Świat byłby lepszy gdyby zbudowany był według moich upodobań, czyli każdy powinien znać conajmniej dwa języki poza angielskim. I tu właśnie jest pies pogrzebany- anglojęzyczni mogą łapać doła
What kind of bullshit is this that you're talking to me here in strange languages? You know? The world would be better if it was made according to my likes, that is to say, each one should know at least two languages besides English. And here is exactly where the shoe doesn't fit - English speakers can grasp a lot
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Slight Edit from this : What kind of bullshit you're talking to me here in the strange languages you know? The world would be better if it was made according to my likes, that is to say, each one should know at least two languages besides English. And here is exactly where the shoe pinches - English speakers can grasp a lot
En son dramati tarafından onaylandı - 23 Ocak 2008 15:21