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Tercüme - İsveççe-İngilizce - FÃ¥ skolor och kommuner att lära,hantera och planera skolgÃ¥ngen för barn med Autism/Ad-Hd/Aspergers.

Şu anki durumTercüme
Bu yazının aşağıdaki dillerde karşılığı vardır: İsveççeİngilizce

Kategori Website / Blog / Forum - Eğitim

Få skolor och kommuner att lära,hantera och planera skolgången för barn med Autism/Ad-Hd/Aspergers.
Öneri kingpinh
Kaynak dil: İsveççe

1: Att alla barn med handikapp inom autismspektrat ska få en bra och anpassad skolgång!

2:Alla barn oavsett handikapp ska bli lika behandlad & accepterad som ett barn utan funktionshinder.

3:Att få människor att förstå & acceptera barn med handikapp.

...teach, manage and plan the education of children with Autism / Ad-Hd / Asperger.

Çeviri fiammara
Hedef dil: İngilizce

1: All children with autism spectrum disabilities should get good and adapted education!
2: All children regardless of disability should be equally treated and accepted as a child without a disability.
3: To get people to understand and accept children with disabilities.
Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
To make schools and local authorities teach, manage and plan the education of children with Autism / Ad-Hd / Asperger.
En son lilian canale tarafından onaylandı - 15 Aralık 2008 16:44

Son Gönderilen


16 Kasım 2008 13:21

Mesaj Sayısı: 1084
To make schools and local authorities teach,.....

1: That all children with disabilities within the autism spectrum should....

16 Kasım 2008 14:09

Mesaj Sayısı: 94
dear lenab, that should i do if the name text has limitation of symbols
Ok, i add the name to comments

15 Aralık 2008 16:34

Mesaj Sayısı: 8114
anpassad skolgång = adapted education