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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - bende teşekkür ederim.Türkiye'de yaşamak çok...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Catégorie Pensées - Amour / Amitié

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
bende teşekkür ederim.Türkiye'de yaşamak çok...
Proposé par duyguakdogan
Langue de départ: Turc

bende teşekkür ederim.Türkiye'de yaşamak çok güzel ama çok sıcak. Buraya gelmene çok sevindim.Hangi şehire geliyorsun? Ben şuan Adanadayım. Seni gezdirmek çok isterim ancak İstanbul'a geleceksen bu çok zorrr..

To Live and to Visit Turkey

Traduit par Taino
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

I would also like to thank you. Living in Turkey is very beautiful, but very hot! I am happy that you are coming here. To which city are you coming? I am in Adana now. I would like to show you around very much, but if you are coming to Istanbul, this would be very difficult...
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 30 Juin 2008 20:40

Derniers messages


28 Juin 2008 07:22

Nombre de messages: 655
Buraya gelmene çok sevindim
I am happy that you are coming here.

28 Juin 2008 12:13

Nombre de messages: 1
otomatik çeviri hatası

29 Juin 2008 08:13

Nombre de messages: 8
this would be too hard ya da impossible demeliydi artada imkansızlık var

30 Juin 2008 15:44

Nombre de messages: 3
I would also like to thank you.It's very nice to live in Turkey but it's very hot . I am gladthat you are coming here. Which city are you coming to? I am in Adana now. I am eager to show you around,but if you are coming to Istanbul it will be very difficult

30 Juin 2008 20:11

Nombre de messages: 7963
To live --> Living

Other than that, it looks perfect to me.

30 Juin 2008 20:27

Nombre de messages: 60
Thanks to all! I've made all the changes suggested up tp now.

Gracias a todos. He implementado todos los cambios hasta el momento.

