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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Ben sizi çok seviyorum tamam mı anlatamayacağım...

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Catégorie Discussion - Amour / Amitié

Ben sizi çok seviyorum tamam mı anlatamayacağım...
Proposé par zarry_1D
Langue de départ: Turc

Ben sizi çok seviyorum tamam mı anlatamayacağım kadar çok seviyorum hatta sizi çok kıskanıyorum ama siz beni görmüyorsunuz bu durum beni çok üzüyor
Commentaires pour la traduction
ingiliz ingilizcesine çevirirmisniz. şimdiden tşk ediyorum

I love you too much to...

Traduit par Mesud2991
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

I love you too much to put it into words. Besides, I'm really jealous of you, but you don't see me. This makes me so sad.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 20 Janvier 2013 12:23

Derniers messages


15 Janvier 2013 00:37

Nombre de messages: 3769
I love you too much to put it into words...>
I love you too much,O.k ? I love you so much I can't put it into the words.

15 Janvier 2013 01:05

Nombre de messages: 1331
> I love you so much I can't put it into the words

This is composed of two sentences. You need to put a dot after 'much'. And this translates as "seni çok seviyorum. Bunu anlatamam/kelimelere dökemem."

In the original, it says "anlatamayacağım kadar çok seviyorum"


I love you so much, OK? I love you too much to explain.

But to my mind, repeated sentences are unnecessary. And I intentionally chose the idiom 'put into words' instead of 'explain'. It sounds better to me.

15 Janvier 2013 23:40

Nombre de messages: 3769
But "anlatamayacağım" is negative.
Therefore "I love you too much to explain." dosen't cover the meaning.
We need to use two sentences at least.
Instate of "to put a dot after 'much'"
can be better to use "that".

16 Janvier 2013 03:21

Nombre de messages: 1331
> But "anlatamayacağım" is negative.
The word 'too' gives a negative connotation.

> Therefore "I love you too much to explain." dosen't cover the meaning

Then, what is the meaning of this sentence? Try to translate it into Turkish.

> Instate of "to put a dot after 'much'"
can be better to use "that"

The equivalent of 'that' in Turkish is 'ki'. So it would be:

Seni öyle seviyorum ki bunu kelimeler dökemem. (In the Turkish, it says "anlatamayacağım kadar çok seviyorum" )

To give an example:

The soup is too hot to eat (=Çorba içilemeyecek kadar sıcak)
'içilemeyecek' is negative because of 'too'.