Sincerely, I didn't know how to translate it. I ran into this translation of yours and I liked it, but also "naturam sequere tuam" could be an option. What if I write the latter in the remarks field?
Haha! Clever! Yes, I also used to translate some expressions litterally into Latin, especially at the beginning when I started my advanture with Cucumis...
Now I always try to ask myself whether my translation also sounds like Latin. And I have often many doubts about it, because we unfortunately can't hear Latin around... The only source of our knowledge about Latin is ancient texts. Many modern words and expressions never existed in Latin, so, if I have too many doubts I simply don't translate.
Moreover there are good translations and better translations...
Yes, it sounds much better. But why have you translated "vitam ama" - love life?
I would simply say "carpe diem" what can be translated in many ways: seize the day/ rejoice while you are alive/ enjoy the day/ live life to the fullest/ enjoy your life...