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Translation - Japonese-Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) - いま ねてる です わはし つかれた あした はなし いぱい ね

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: JaponesePortaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

This translation request is "Meaning only".
いま ねてる です わはし つかれた あした はなし いぱい ね
Submitted by CAAE25
Source language: Japonese

いま ねてる です
わはし つかれた あした はなし いぱい ね
Remarks about the translation
frase em japonês

Agora vou dormir
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Translated by epiploon
Target language: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Agora vou dormir, estou cansada
Amanhã conversamos melhor
Remarks about the translation
ima neteru desu watashi tsukareta ashita hanashi ipai ne
Validated by casper tavernello - 5 June 2008 16:01

Last messages


5 June 2008 14:25

Number of messages: 1671
This is in terrible Japanese, but the meaning is:

I am now sleeping
I am tired. Tomorrow, let's talk (or "I'll talk," the Japanese is too terrible to tell) a lot, okay?