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Dịch - Portuguese brazilian-English - "A carne morre, mas a alma sobrevive"

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Nhóm chuyên mục Sentence

"A carne morre, mas a alma sobrevive"
Submitted by Kayo Perez
Source language: Portuguese brazilian

"A carne morre, mas a alma sobrevive"
Remarks about the translation
Bom essa frase é uma frase para uma tatuagem que significa muito para mim, a carne q eu digo é o corpo humano,e a alma é o espirito(alma).
Francês da França
Ingles americano


The flesh dies, but the soul survives.

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: English

The flesh dies, but the soul survives.
Validated by lilian canale - 7 Tháng 5 2008 15:27

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Bài gửi

7 Tháng 5 2008 09:26

Tổng số bài gửi: 77
Mi piace di più senza articoli
"Flesh dies, but souls survives"
Di solito i proverbi in inglese non hanno l'articolo proprio per essere più statuari.

I prefer it better without the articles
"Flesh dies, but souls survives"
Usually, english sentence used as a proverb, hasn't articles just to be stronger!
For example
"Might is right" isn't "The might is right"
or "Money opens all doors" isn't "The money opens all The doors"

The article is used when is a SPECIFIC object, not when you speak in general about a meaning.