Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - Italian-English - (Io sono um) ricercatore e ...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Expression - Business / Jobs

(Io sono um) ricercatore e ...
Submitted by Baobab
Source language: Italian

(Io sono um) ricercatore e filmmaker nel campo dell'antropologia visuale.
Remarks about the translation
Hello, I would like to translate in British English my business card. May I ask you which translation is correct or sounds better for you? :)
1) "Researcher and filmmaker in Visual Anthropology"
2) "Visual Anthropology researcher and filmmaker"
3) "Visual Anthropology - Researcher and filmmaker"


(I am a) Researcher and Filmmaker in ...

Translated by Fernando V.
Target language: English

(I am a) Researcher and Filmmaker in Visual Anthropology.
Remarks about the translation
In my opinion, the aforementioned translation would be the best for your business card.
Validated by lilian canale - 10 Tháng 7 2014 16:35