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翻译 - 拉丁语-丹麦语 - domine et sanctus当前状态 翻译
讨论区 演讲  本翻译"仅需意译"。 | | | 源语言: 拉丁语
domine et sanctus | | har hørt det i filmen midt om natten og kan bare ikk huske hvad det er det betyder |
| | | | | "Domine et sanctus" er tilfældige latinske ord der er sat sammen for at det skal lyde kirkeligt. "Domine et sanctus" betyder "Herre og hellig" og bruges i filmen "Midt om natten", da de to drenge skal blande blod.
最近发帖 | | | | | 2008年 七月 9日 22:37 | | | Could you please help me with a bridge to English? CC: Cammello | | | 2008年 七月 9日 23:10 | | | Well, maybe i'm wrong...
but i think that the original latin sentence is wrong
It should be "dominus est (et) sanctus", or there is some word missing at the beginning.
"Dominus est sanctus"= The lord is a saint
"Cum domino est sanctus"= he is a saint with the lord; he is a saint thanks by the Lord
"Cum domino est (et) sanctus" He is with the Lord and he is a saint
| | | 2008年 七月 9日 23:34 | | | ah, I´ve just discovered that the correct text should be "Domine et sanctus" - does that make more sense?
The person requesting the translation says it´s from a Danish film called "Midt om natten" so I found the right text on google. | | | 2008年 七月 9日 23:36 | | | | | | 2008年 七月 9日 23:56 | | | Hi.
thank you so much for your translate. It was a big help.
have a nice day | | | 2008年 七月 9日 23:56 | | | what do you mean with a bridge to english?? | | | 2008年 七月 10日 00:05 | | | hejsa - jeg bad Camello (der er Latin-ekspert) om en oversættelse af sætningen til engelsk, fordi jeg ikke selv kan latin og derfor ikke kan bedømme, om det er korrekt oversat.
Jeg har fundet frem til, at den korrekte sætning på latin er "domine et sanctus" (det er det, de synger i sangen), så nu venter jeg på at høre Camellos svar....
| | | 2008年 七月 10日 01:48 | | | "Det betyder" must go to the comments' field. | | | 2008年 七月 10日 12:25 | | | Domine et Sanctus
Both of them are at the vocative, so it can be
"Oh Lord and Saint" | | | 2008年 七月 11日 15:32 | | | What should I do here.... I mean, I have found out that the correct text (since it´s a quote from a Danish song in a film) should be "domine et sanctus" and not like it says in the original translation request "domino est ( et) sanctus" ?
The text has been translated to "Holy Lord" in Danish.
| | | 2008年 七月 14日 13:56 | | | Francky, could you please edit the text (the original translation request) to "domine et sanctus"? I will edit the Danish translation accordingly.
Thank you! CC: Francky5591 | | | 2008年 七月 14日 13:58 | | | Done!  | | | 2008年 七月 14日 14:00 | | | ah, no, it has to say: "domine et sanctus" and not "domine est ( et) sanctus" :-) | | | 2008年 七月 14日 14:22 | | | Sorry, I didn't pay enough attention, as I only focused on "domine"  | | | 2010年 一月 23日 19:13 | | | jeg har hørt at det i sangen skal betyde: til døden os skiller
men jeg ved ikke om det er rigtigt | | | 2010年 一月 23日 20:14 | | | hej mwsfreak - nej, det er ikke rigtigt. Oversættelsen er korrekt, som den er. |
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