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翻訳 - 英語 -トルコ語 - I hope you die現状 翻訳
カテゴリ 日常生活  この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 | | | | | مرده شور is literally "dead person washer." But, it is used as the short version of مرده شور تو را ببرد or مرده شور او را ببرد. (Literally, "that the dead person washer take you away" or "that the dead person washer take him/her/it away."
It's a common expletive in Persian. If it is directed at someone it's meaning is closer to "Go die..." but if you want to match it with a common American/English expletive I think "Go to hell" is the closest.
If it's not directed at anyone in particular, it's closer to "Oh, sh-t/d_mn" etc. |
最終承認・編集者 handyy - 2008年 1月 7日 15:41
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