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Translation - English-Hebrew - You smile at your tears but you have them in...

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Category Poetry - Love / Friendship

You smile at your tears but you have them in...
Submitted by alexiiz
Source language: English

You smile at your tears but you have them in your heart
Remarks about the translation
The word you is not ment as a specific person YOU it´s ment as the word you when you refer to yourself.

אתה מחייך למראה דמעותיך, אך הן נמצאות בלבך.

Translated by libera
Target language: Hebrew

אתה מחייך למראה דמעותיך, אך הן נמצאות בלבך.
Validated by milkman - 21 February 2009 11:14

Last messages


9 February 2009 20:33

Number of messages: 773
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21 February 2009 09:44

Number of messages: 773
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21 February 2009 11:14

Number of messages: 773
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