Neither what I wrote above nor merdogan's sentence is right. The original doesn't say the person complained there was no one to be friends with. It doesn't say the person couldn't find anyone familiar at the place, either. He or she expected somebody to be friends with him or her but nobody did.
Maybe it should be as follows:
There actually was never a person who became friends with me.
Hmm, this is a weird sentence. Its construction is really uncommon and it makes the text complicated. Before saying what I understand from the sentence, I'd prefer to ask baranzagros to be sure.
Çeviriye sunduğunuz metin gerçekten tartışmaya açık ve net olmayan bir anlama sahip. Metinde ne demek istediğinizi bize daha net olarak söyleyebilir misiniz?
"Arkadaş sandıkları aslında hiç var olmadı." mı yoksa "Onunla hiç kimse arkadaşlık etmemişti." mi demek istiyorsunuz?
Yardımcı olursanız seviniriz, aksi halde metniniz yeterince iyi şekilde çevrilemeyebilir.