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Vertaling - Braziliaans Portugees-Engels - oi gata tive ai e quase tive um infarte , ainda...

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: Braziliaans PortugeesEngels

Categorie Brief/E-Mail

oi gata tive ai e quase tive um infarte , ainda...
Opgestuurd door dan2001
Uitgangs-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

oi gata tive ai e quase tive um infarte , ainda bem que a grana nunca falta ne , hehehehhe
a joana vai depositar pra mim 2000 dolares e eu so posso tirar mil por dia , ai vou cobrir o chegue especial tambem , beijos
tive ai hoje e deixei com sua cooworker as mascaras , me diga se gostou delas , eu nao sabia qual era melhor , ai a mamae disee da todas , esagerada mesmo ne.
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Hi Could someone please help me translate this from portuguses (brazilian)to English?

Thanks a lot.

hi gorgeous

Vertaald door Ariadne
Doel-taal: Engels

hi gorgeous I almost had a heart attack, it's good that I'm never short of cash right, hehehehhe
joana is going to deposit 2000 dollars for me and I can only cash a thousand a day, then I'll cover the loan too, kisses
I was there today and I've left the masks with your co-worker, tell me if you liked them, I didn´t know which was the best one, then my mother said give them all, she really overreacts right
Details voor de vertaling
acho que você tem uns erros de pontuação faltam uns pontos de exclamação e virgulas. Veja isso. espero ter ajudado. :)
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door kafetzou - 18 januari 2007 05:44