The last part ("I ONA TEBE" ) doesn't mean "SO AS SHE".
I don't really know what theatomicant (or somebody else) wanted to say with it. It looks as if it's out of context or incomplete sentence.
The first part is part of a song by Serbian singer Boban Rajović ("Pomozite mi drugovi" - "Help me, my friends").
Hvala za ovu listu! A za onaj kraj...ja sam htela da stavim "so does she", pa sam slucajno ovo napisala..nevazno. Sad bih ispravila, ali me zanima koliko ce to biti tacno, s obzirom da je totalno nepoznat kontekst.
I need to get drunk... to get wasted with you guys as before. too.
It's like «She likes you too» but without «likes». We sometimes don't need verb to tell that so it's without the real meaning, just positive thinking about that girls feelings or whatever