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Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Græsk

geia s sissoulinaki m!!!t kanc??einai paraskevi avrio arxizoun oi panellinies k s efxomai n t pas teleia!!!partous t sovraka reeee!!!kali epityxia!!mats mouts!!c'ya!!
11 Juni 2007 18:05

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11 Juni 2007 18:24

Antal indlæg: 7963
irini can you help with this?

Here's what I understand:

Hi Sissoulinaki [m!!!t kanc??] it's Friday the Greece-wide competition starts tomorrow and I hope you ace it all!!! knock 'em dead [literally, take their underwear]!!! good luck!! mwah [a big kiss] c'ya [that's English]

15 Juni 2007 09:49

Antal indlæg: 849
I was SO certain I had replied! It seems I didn't and I'm sorry about that. Any way good work

Πανελλήνιες by the way, are exams by which it is judged who will enter which school of which Universtity if any.

15 Juni 2007 16:45

Antal indlæg: 7963
Thanks - someone else did the translation and I helped with "partous t sovraka reeee" - a lovely image.