Selam ,tatile Marmarise mi geliyorsun ? Güzel umarım iyi eğlenirsin.Ben gelmiyorum! Niçin geleyim ki? ,sen bana güvenmiyorsun! Madem tatile Türkiye'ye gelecektin niçin beraber tatili planlamadık. ben sana kırgınım evet ama şimdi daha çok kırgınım.Umarım tatilin J. ile eğlenceli geçer.Hoşçakal.
Hello, are you coming for a holiday to Marmaris? Fine, I hope you will have a good time. I won’t come! Why should I come? You don’t trust me! Seeing that you were going to come to Turkey for a holiday, why didn’t we plan it together? I am offended by you, it’s true. But now I am offended even more. I hope you will enjoy your holiday with J. Goodbye.
Anmerkninger gjeldende oversettelsen
tatil - holiday, vacation güvenmiyorsun - you don't trust/rely on/count on
ben sana kırgınım evet - yes, I am offened by you/I am offended by you, it’s true.
Senest vurdert og redigert av Chantal - 17 Juli 2009 09:24
Hello, are you 'coming' for a holiday to Marmaris?
'Why' should I come?
'Seeing that' you were going to come to Turkey for a holiday, why didn’t we plan it together?
'I offended you, yes, but now I am offended even more.'
Thanks for your corrections!
But I don't agree with this one "I offended you". I think it should be "I am offended by you" (or maybe "I am chagrined", "I have a grudge against you" ).