Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
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Nakala asilia - Kiingereza - what is remarkable in this passage is, first of...

Hali kwa sasaNakala asilia
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KiingerezaKiitaliano

Category Literature - Culture

what is remarkable in this passage is, first of...
Nakala ya kutafsiriwa
Tafsiri iliombwa na carlo475
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kiingereza

what is remarkable in this passage is, first of all, the use of couplets with ten syllables and five accents in each line, and then the wealth of detail which chaucer uses to describe the time of year when the pilgrimage took place. the month is arpril, when showers begin to fall, bringing new life to the earth, when zephyrus starts blowing over growing over groves and heaths and the sun has already covered half his course in the zodiac sign of the ram.
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
syllables -> in the modern version the number of syllables does not always correspond to the original.
9 Mechi 2007 17:49