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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - yarın açıklanıo öss

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Catégorie Ecriture libre

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
yarın açıklanıo öss
Proposé par YeYa92
Langue de départ: Turc

yarın açıklanıo öss
Commentaires pour la traduction
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules

ÖSS results

Traduit par Rise
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

The results of the Student Selection Examination
(ÖSS) will be announced tomorrow.
Commentaires pour la traduction
ÖSS( It's the university entrance exam in Turkey)
Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı
The Student Selection Examination
Dernière édition ou validation par Tantine - 15 Juillet 2008 23:45

Derniers messages


12 Juillet 2008 15:25

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hello rise

The English is ok, though might read a little better by putting "are to be" or "will be" rather than "are being".

I've set a poll because I don't speak any Turkish (yet )


12 Juillet 2008 23:20

Nombre de messages: 126
I tought that using present continuous tense would give more certainty.But I did as you said anyway.It's ok too.Maybe it's easier to understand now.

So you are thinking of learning Turkish?That's nice.Turkish is a nice language

13 Juillet 2008 00:07

Nombre de messages: 7963
I think ÖSS should be translated.

13 Juillet 2008 05:52

Nombre de messages: 126
I didn't translate it because it's a name.It's the university entrance exam held in Turkey every year.
Have you paid attention to remarks?But I've extended it a bit more now.

13 Juillet 2008 06:37

Nombre de messages: 7963
That's a good solution - we can assume that the intended reader doesn't recognize the abbreviation. How about "the ÖSS"?

13 Juillet 2008 07:11

Nombre de messages: 126
Yes,you're right.I've edited it again.How about this?

13 Juillet 2008 11:22

Nombre de messages: 27
öğrenci ( student ) seçme ( selection ) sınavı ( examınation ) . not entrance!!!

13 Juillet 2008 11:33

Nombre de messages: 126
netcevap ikisini de yazdım açıklamalara.ÖSS'nin ne için olduğunu da yazdım parantezde yani.Sen ÖSS'ye üniversiteye girmek için girmiyor musun?Tabiki de üniversite giriş sınavı sonuçta.Şimdi sorun ne daha iyi açıklarsan iyi olur.

14 Juillet 2008 04:58

Nombre de messages: 7963
"the" should not be capitalized. Otherwise, it looks perfect.

15 Juillet 2008 01:42

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hi Kafetzou, Hi all

In British English (at least) an examination for selection for being admitted into a university is called an entrance examination and not a selection examination. So if there are no objections, I would prefer that we use the word "entrance" in this text rather than "selection".

Could you tell me whether N. American English uses "entrance" or "selection" please Kafetzou?


15 Juillet 2008 03:22

Nombre de messages: 7963
The Turkish system is a little different. They have national exams, and the score that you get determines which universities and programs you can choose from. That's what this is.

15 Juillet 2008 05:43

Nombre de messages: 126
Yes, the system is different.I also checked some formal texts to translate correctly.Here you are(It is a detailed explanation about the Turkish Higher Education System):


15 Juillet 2008 05:46

casper tavernello
Nombre de messages: 5057
You wrote like this:
[ url]site[ /url ]
The right syntax is:
[]Your text to be linked[/url]

I fixed your message.

15 Juillet 2008 05:45

Nombre de messages: 126
Thanks casper tavernello

15 Juillet 2008 23:43

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hi Everyone

Since this is fine now, I'll validate.

Thanks for everyone's help.
