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Traduction - Roumain-Anglais - Un mormânt de secol IV p. Ch. descoperit la ...

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Catégorie Science

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Un mormânt de secol IV p. Ch. descoperit la ...
Proposé par geocostea
Langue de départ: Roumain

Un mormânt de secol IV p. Ch. descoperit la

O ultimă piesă ce făcea parte din inventarul funerar este un opaiţ, aşezat la vârful piciorului stâng, laba piciorului fiind căzută peste opaiţ. Piesa este utilizată, cu discul parţial distrus si bordura exfoliată în apropierea mânerului.

A tomb from the 4th century A.D. discovered at...

Traduit par maddie_maze
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

A tomb from the 4th century A.D. discovered at Tulcea

A last piece which was part of the funeral stock is an earthen lamp, situated at the left leg's, the foot over the earthen lamp. The piece is (being) used, with its disk partly broken, and its kerb exfoliated close to the handle.
Commentaires pour la traduction
A.D. -> Anno Domini = The Year of (Our) Lord; it is used to show that the counting starts from the year in which Jesus was born (or C.E. = The Christian Era)
Dernière édition ou validation par dramati - 6 Décembre 2007 19:04