Ce mai faci? Când vii la Barcelona? Ai terminat cu procesul? Să mă suni sau să îmi dai un bip pentru că nu mai am numărul tău de telefon. Am încercat şi nu răspunde nimeni,ori ţi l-ai schimbat iară.
<bridge builder="Iepurica"> How are you doing? When do you come to Barcelona? Have you finnished with the law suit? Call me or just beep me, because I don't have your phone number. I have tried and no one answers or you have changed it again. </bridge>
Ultima convalida o modifica di casper tavernello - 30 Ottobre 2007 00:04
"How are you doing? When do you come to Barcelona? Have you finnished with the law suit? Call me or just beep me, because I don't have your phone number. I have tried and no one answers or you have changed it again."