Mi estas poroscinta, ke amis min. Vi devis veale haltas farante aferojn flatato ĉar mi opinias, ke Äi estas malbenoza, kaj mi neniel Åatas Äin.
Remarks about the translation
So you know for background information, my friend gave this to me at the end of a long argumentative letter. In German, underneath, he wrote: "If you can translate these sentences *arrow pointing to the Esperanto*, then I will be surprised.
I'm certain he took it off of a translator.
I'd like to to be translated into American English, please! And thank you!
I've learnt you loved me. You'd really better stop flattering, because, in my opinion, that is unnecessary, and I don't like it in any way.
Remarks about the translation
The text in Esperanto is plenty of typos. I've interpreted it as:
"Mi estas POVOSCINTA, ke (VI) amis min. Vi devis REALE HALTI farante aferojn FLATATAJN ĉar mi opinias, ke Äi estas MALBEZONA, kaj mi neniel Åatas Äin."
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 6 June 2008 00:42