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11Original text - Turkish - Tamam ama önce kim verdi nr yi onu söyle....

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Tamam ama önce kim verdi nr yi onu söyle....
Text to be translated
Submitted by snmciii
Source language: Turkish

Tamam ama önce kim verdi numarayı onu söyle. Tanışıyor muyuz yoksa biri benle dalga geçmen için mi verdi?
Remarks about the translation
before edit: Tamam ama önce kim verdi nr yi onu söyle Tanisiyormuyuz yoksa biri benle dalga gecmen gecmen icinmi verdi
Last edited by cheesecake - 27 September 2009 20:48

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31 August 2009 21:39

Number of messages: 8114
Hello snmciii

Texts written in only CAPS are not allowed on Cucumis. Please edit your request!

24 October 2009 13:37

Number of messages: 4611
Hello Cheesecake. Hope I don't ask you too much if I ask you for another bridge. Only if you have time of course

CC: cheesecake

24 October 2009 14:11

Number of messages: 980

"Okay but first tell me who gave (you) the number. Do we know each other or did someone give (it to) you in order that you make fun of with me?"

It's nothing at all gamine, hope I am helpful to you

CC: gamine

24 October 2009 17:56

Number of messages: 4611
Hello Cheesecake. You are more than helpful to me. Without your help wouldn't have been able to translate it. Done.
Thanks so much.

CC: cheesecake