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ترجمة - إيطاليّ -انجليزي - Questa estate sono stata al Circeo per due...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: إيطاليّ انجليزي

Questa estate sono stata al Circeo per due...
إقترحت من طرف kikka
لغة مصدر: إيطاليّ

Questa estate sono stata al Circeo per due settimane. Ho passato dei giorni meravigliosi al mare. Sono stata invitata a casa di amici con mio fratello e un mio amico. La casa aveva un grande giardino, dove prendevo il sole e giocavamo spesso a pallavolo. Ho passato una fantastica giornata al lago dove, pescavamo e facevamo lunghe passeggiate. Mi sono divertita molto e la gente è simpatica e molto ospitale e il cibo era sempre fresco. Il posto era molto tranquillo e ho passato dei momenti meravigliosi.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
Circeo = paese situato sul mare
Lingua di destinazione inglese/Inghilterra

Holiday in Circeo

ترجمت من طرف doncho.georgiev
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

This summer I went to Circeo for two weeks. I spent some marvellous days by the seaside. I was invited to the house of friends of mine together with my brother and one of my friends. The house has a large yard where I sunbathed and we played volleyball. I spent one fantastic day at a bay where we fished and where we went on long walks. I had a lot of fun, the people are very nice and very hospitable, and the food was always fresh. The place was very calm and I had a marvellous time.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف kafetzou - 23 أيلول 2007 15:38

آخر رسائل


22 أيلول 2007 14:43

عدد الرسائل: 7963
I have made quite a few edits here, especially changing all of the verbs from present perfect to simple past, and capitalizing all of the "i"'s, so please check to see if it is still correct.

23 أيلول 2007 10:23

عدد الرسائل: 1655
Just one error: "dei giorni meravigliosi" is plural (I spent marvellous days etc etc).

I wander if Circeo really is Chirecko......

23 أيلول 2007 12:12

عدد الرسائل: 2247
Isn't estate, summer?

23 أيلول 2007 15:35

عدد الرسائل: 7963
That's what I was wondering too. I just looked it up in my Italian dictionary, and you're right, thatha.

23 أيلول 2007 15:36

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Thanks for you help, Xini and thatha - I have edited and will accept.