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Translation - Romanian-English - Îmi pare rău, dar eu înţeleg numai puţin româneşte

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: RomanianEnglishDutch

Îmi pare rău, dar eu înţeleg numai puţin româneşte
Submitted by La Bonne
Source language: Romanian

Îmi pare rău, dar eu înţeleg numai puţin româneşte.
Remarks about the translation
<Before edits>Imi parâ rau, dar eu inteleg numai putin româneste.<Freya>

I am sorry but I only understand a little Romanian.

Translated by lorelai
Target language: English

I am sorry but I only understand a little Romanian.
Remarks about the translation
Just for the sake of it, this phrase would correctly be written this way in Romanian: "Îmi pare rău, dar eu înţeleg numai puţin româneşte".
Validated by cucumis - 3 January 2006 15:52