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19Translation - Italian-English - La signora Hunter temeva che si sarebbe sentita male...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglish

Category Sentence

La signora Hunter temeva che si sarebbe sentita male...
Submitted by Oana F.
Source language: Italian

La signora Hunter temeva che si sarebbe sentita male perchè ci vogliono molte ore per arrivare.
Remarks about the translation

Mrs Hunter

Translated by ali84
Target language: English

Mrs. Hunter was afraid she would have felt ill because it takes too many hours to arrive.
Validated by lilian canale - 5 September 2008 00:44

Last messages


4 September 2008 21:56

Oana F.
Number of messages: 388
Lilian, can you tell me if in this case is possible also "might have felt ill"?

5 September 2008 00:23

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Yes, it can be possible if what the speaker means is expressing a strong possibility.

5 September 2008 09:19

Oana F.
Number of messages: 388
Thank you very much