Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
. .

Umseting - Serbiskt-Enskt - Ma znam dodje njoj tako navikni se

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Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: SerbisktEnsktSpanskt

Bólkur Dagliga lívið

Ma znam dodje njoj tako navikni se
Framborið av beautifulkiss
Uppruna mál: Serbiskt

Ma znam dodje njoj tako navikni se
Viðmerking um umsetingina
Can you please tell me what this means? If it has several meanings or whatever you think it might be close to saying, i would appreciate =)
U.S. English please

Well, I know

Umsett av CursedZephyr
Ynskt mál: Enskt

Well, I know. She's like that from time to time. Get used to it!
Viðmerking um umsetingina
dodje njoj tako=maybe it's not the exact meaning but nearly we can say:'she does it from time to time' or 'sometimes she behaves like this'.
Góðkent av cucumis - 16 Februar 2009 18:34

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15 Februar 2009 18:03

Tal av boðum: 7963
CursedZephyr, please include a space after your punctuation (.,) in English.

Also, in English the pronoun "I" must be capitalized.

16 Februar 2009 04:02

Tal av boðum: 7963
CursedZephyr, did you see my message above?

16 Februar 2009 09:17

Tal av boðum: 4
i dont understand what you are saying..what did the 'I' thing mean? Im confused

16 Februar 2009 11:35

Tal av boðum: 12396
This is about writen language, if you have a look into any dictionary, you will find out words are writen in a certain way, and not another. This is called "orthography", and this shows how words read when they are writen or typed.

The first person singular pronoun reads "I" (which is a cap "i" ) in English. "i" by itself means nothing but the 9th letter from the Latin alphabet and is not used as the first person singular pronoun in English.

In the translations, or even in the requests that are submitted by natives from the source-language, it is compulsory to type "I", as it is the way it reads in dictionaries, books and newspapers, and it is also the way pupils and students are told to write or type it when they are at school or at the university.

So, here at cucumis, typing "i" instead of "I" when using the first person singular pronoun is considered as a mistake that has to be edited.

16 Februar 2009 17:39

Tal av boðum: 7963
But the message was for CursedZephyr (the translator), not for beautifulkiss (the requester).

16 Februar 2009 17:43

Tal av boðum: 148
Thanks, it's OK now!

16 Februar 2009 17:46

Tal av boðum: 7963