Saluton kara Sinjorino. ĉu vi memoras min? Mi interparolis kun vi pere de babilejo. Mi pardonas vin ke mi ne skribis lpi frue. Mi forgesis kien mi donis vian adreson. Mi volus demandi vin ĉu vi instruos min vian lingvon. Mi salutas vin.
Greetings dear madam, Do you remember me? I talked with you on a chat over the Internet. Forgive me for not writing earlier. I forgot your address. I would like to ask you if you will teach me your language. Best regards.

Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Perhaps "dear madam" is too formal, but I can't find something else without losing the exact words in the source language.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 2 December 2009 12:24
I appologize, Lili. I got used to the fact that I'm not allowed to undergo changes after I did the translations. But that's the case only if and when the translation has been sent to the poll, right?
Thanks Lili