aternalis diye birşey bulamadım ama bu bana eternity sözcüğünü hatırlattı yine de anlam büyük ihtimalle bu ama eternity= aeternitas,atis,f demek bu latince yazının doğruluğundan emin misiniz ------ it should be "æternalis" (smy) alternatif çevirisi "sonsuz aşkın kaynağı" da olabilir (smy)
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na smy - 10 Januari 2008 10:12
Thanks for the bridge charisgre, bu I'm afraid I don't understand it very well . The Turkish translation is like that: source for eternal love and the translator asks whether this sentence (in Latin) is written correctly.
is this text written correctly in Latin? if it's not, could you give the correct form and explain your translation further please?
the Turkish translation is good. The text in Latin has one mistake. Instead of aternalis there shoul be "æternalis" with ae in the beginning.
This could be translated
"source and from it eternal love"
"source of the eternal love".
The same.
so rba_kypnr, you're right about "aternalis" and I think it should be "sonsuz aşkın kaynağı=source of the eternal love" according to charisgre's explanation. What do you think?