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Texte d'origine - Ourdou - Tera bin kasa jia ja sadiwo lambi ha ratan

Etat courantTexte d'origine
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: OurdouPortugais

Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Tera bin kasa jia ja sadiwo lambi ha ratan
Texte à traduire
Proposé par paula dhillon
Langue de départ: Ourdou

Tera bin kasa jia ja sadiwo lambi ha ratan
Dernière édition par Francky5591 - 25 Mars 2008 00:09

Derniers messages


25 Mars 2008 00:14

Nombre de messages: 12396
"Nowadays, Urdu is generally written right-to left in an extension of the Persian alphabet, which is itself an extension of the Arabic alphabet. Urdu is associated with the Nasta’liq style of Arabic calligraphy, whereas Arabic is generally written in the modernized Naskh style. Nasta’liq is notoriously difficult to typeset, so Urdu newspapers were hand-written by masters of calligraphy, known as katib or khush-navees, until the late 1980s."

Source :

This is why this text is to be submitted in the "meaning only" mode request (I did it for you)

best regards