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번역 - 핀란드어-영어 - Tämän lisäksi kummallakaan aviopuolisolla ei ole...

현재 상황번역
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분류 나날의 삶 - 집 / 가정

Tämän lisäksi kummallakaan aviopuolisolla ei ole...
Makariina에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 핀란드어

Tämän lisäksi kummallakaan aviopuolisolla ei ole oikeutta toisen perintönä tai lahjana saamaan omaisuuteen tai sen tuottoon.
Muuhun omaisuuteen pätee normaali avio-oikeus.
Jos avioliittomme päätyy toisen puolison kuolemaan, on tämä sopimus mitätön lukuun ottamatta perintönä ja lahjana saatua omaisuutta. Jos avioliiton purkautumisen syy on avioero, noudatetaan tämän avioehtosopimuksen ehtoja kokonaisuudessaan.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항

In addition..

itsatrap100에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

In addition to this, neither spouse has the right to obtain the others endowments or inherited property or its income. For other property, normal marital law applies. If our marriage ends with the other spouse's death, this agreement is null and void apart from property received as an inheritance or endowment. If the reason for dissolving the marriage is divorce, the terms of this marriage contract shall be followed in its entirety.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Perhaps the text should be reviewed by a legal expert, but I think the meaning is intact.
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 4월 7일 23:36

마지막 글


2009년 3월 11일 19:22

게시물 갯수: 279
I'm not even sure myself if this is correct, I have been checking some online legal documents but this this legal terminology is difficult. Consider this a first draft. I am particularly uncertain of "saatua" and "saamaan" in this submitted text and their exact meanings.