Volim te najviÅ¡e na celom svetu. Ti si ta koja me Äini živim. Bez tebe ne postoji niko drugi za mene.
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
"du är den som gör att jag orkar leva" znaÄi "ti si ta koja Äini da mogu da živim", ali sam ja prevela "ti si ta koja me Äini živim", jer je to viÅ¡e u duhu srpskog jezika.
"Volim te najviÅ¡e na celom svetu. Ti si ta koja me Äini živim. Bez tebe niÅ¡ta". Sista delen stämmer inte med svenska texten.
"Ali ti ne..." betyder "men du inte..."
I wrote "without you there is no one other for me" (there is no one else with whom I would be if I weren't with you). I couldn't write nothing shorter cause it wouldn't be in the spirit of Serbian language.
Do you think it's ok?
Hello Maki,
I think that is exactly the meaning for it, (what you wrote) even if it is written very short in Swedish. "without you, no one". Hope it helps.