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翻译 - 瑞典语-英语 - Det är när Christopher letar igenom sin fars rum...

本文可用以下语言: 瑞典语英语

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Det är när Christopher letar igenom sin fars rum...
提交 xAnniex
源语言: 瑞典语

Det är när Christopher letar igenom sin fars rum i jakt efter sin bok men istället hittar han brev från sin mamma.
Han läser breven och får reda på att hon fortfarande lever.
Brittisk engelska!

As Christopher ...

翻译 lilian canale
目的语言: 英语

As Christopher searches for his book in his father's room, he finds, instead, a letter from his mummy. He reads the letter and discovers that she is still alive.
dramati认可或编辑 - 2008年 二月 17日 22:57



2008年 二月 17日 08:29

文章总计: 3
The swedish text says nothing about the room being messy? My translation would be "It is when Christopher searches his fathers' room looking for his book but instead finds a letter from his mum. He reads the letter and finds out she is still alive.

2008年 二月 17日 09:33

文章总计: 48
As Christopher searches for his book in his fathers room he instead finds a letter from his mum. He reads the letter and discovers that she still is alive.

2008年 二月 17日 09:56

文章总计: 8114
Hi Lilly,
the Swedish source is about present time.

Not: "was looking", "found", "was still alive".
Maybe: "is looking", "finds", is still alive"

2008年 二月 17日 15:59

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Yes, Pia, you are right. It is present.
For "fars rum" I guess I really misunderstood its meaning. Sorry.

Should I edit or do you prefer to reject it?

2008年 二月 17日 17:48

文章总计: 8114
why a "sad smiley", you have helped me many, many times when it comes to english...and now I could give something back I think.

Supose that it wasn't me you asked about edit or not..

2008年 二月 17日 17:52

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Thanks, Pia

I'll edit.

And thanks to the others who helped: birte and jensp.

2008年 二月 17日 19:37

文章总计: 33
the first sentence is incorrect. It should be: Det är när Christopher letar efter sin bok i sin fars rum som har istället hittar ett brev från sin mamma.