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Übersetzung - Albanisch-Englisch - te dua shume je shume e mire me ka marre mali

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te dua shume je shume e mire me ka marre mali
Übermittelt von othis
Herkunftssprache: Albanisch

te dua shume je shume e mire me ka marre mali

I love you so much. You are nice and I ...

Übersetzt von stukje
Zielsprache: Englisch

I love you so much. You are nice and I miss you.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 30 Juni 2010 14:03

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29 Juni 2010 22:44

Anzahl der Beiträge: 159
i think the contekst its not refered to the beautiful exterior,

30 Juni 2010 00:32

Sweet Dreams
Anzahl der Beiträge: 2202
Yep, I agree with bamberbi. Look at the bridge liria wrote under the french translation:

"'I love you so much, you are so good and I miss you.'

"e mirë"- means "good, nice, good behavior" not "beautiful, pretty".

30 Juni 2010 00:36

Anzahl der Beiträge: 545
"I love you so much baby (my love) you are so good and I miss you"
From French version...

30 Juni 2010 00:45

Anzahl der Beiträge: 61
French : 2 versions, very close, but not identical. So, which one should be chosen?

30 Juni 2010 12:06

Anzahl der Beiträge: 12396
I think stukje added "d'amour" after "je t'aime beaucoup" just to put the stress on the love relationship between sender of the message and the addressee, and in order to differenciate it from a simple friendship relation.

I'll replace "je t'aime beaucoup d'amour" with "je t'aime tant" ("tant" : "so much"

Here in the English version "beautiful" is to be replaced with "good".

Thanks for your inputs, all!

30 Juni 2010 13:56

Anzahl der Beiträge: 12396
Please see Liria's bridge in the discussion area under the translation into French