Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Engels-Portugees - Translations-rejected-translation

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsRoemeensDuitsItaliaansPortugeesSpaansAlbaneesRussischBulgaarsHebreeuwsCatalaansTurksArabischVereenvoudigd ChineesZweedsNederlandsChinees FinsEsperantoKroatischGrieksHindiServischLitouwsDeensJapansPoolsEngelsHongaarsNoorsEstischKoreaansTsjechischBosnischKlingonPerzischSlowaaksAfrikaansBraziliaans PortugeesThai
Aangevraagde vertalingen: IersNewariUrduVietnameesKoerdisch

Categorie Betekenissen - Computers/Internet

Opgestuurd door cucumis
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Sorry, as one of your translations of this text has been already rejected, you are not allowed to submit again another translation.


Vertaald door mallea_la_yeah
Doel-taal: Portugees

Desculpe, como uma das suas traduções deste texto já foi rejeitada, não tem autorização para voltar a traduzi-lo
Details voor de vertaling
Pesaroso = not used as an apology => Sentimos muito, Desculpe-nos, Perdoe-nos\r seuas => suas\r "rejeitado" refers to "uma de suas traduções", which is feminine, hence rejeitadA\r "você não são permitidos" => você não é (3rd person singular) permitido (same number of the subject "você"), and permitir has a different usage for people, the noum is employed instead, so "você não tem permissão" is the appropriate usage.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door cucumis - 23 april 2006 18:49