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Vertaling - Braziliaans Portugees-Engels - Povo livre

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Categorie Liedje

Povo livre
Opgestuurd door irini
Uitgangs-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

Nós somos um povo a quem Deus libertou verdadeiramente somo livres pois fomos comprados por seu grande amor sim Cristo nos resgatou.
livrou-nos da mão do inimigo e nos trouxe a um lugar de glória.
Onde temos constante abrigo onde temos garantida a vitória.
Tirou-nos do império da escuridão e nos trouxe a seu reino de luz um reino de paz alegria e perdão no qual nosso rei é Jesus.
Details voor de vertaling
grego atual

Free people

Vertaald door Borges
Doel-taal: Engels

We are a people that was truly set free by God, we are free because we were bought off by his great love, yes Christ has rescued us.
He protected us from the hands of the enemy and brought us to a place of glory.
Where we have constant shelter, where we have guaranteed the victory.
He took us from the empire of darkness and brought us to his kingdom of light, a kingdom of peace, joy and forgiveness in which our king is Jesus.
Details voor de vertaling
today's greek (she means that she wants the greek translation in today's greek). Don't need to tranlate this note.:)
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door irini - 19 oktober 2006 12:42