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Käännös - Brasilianportugali-Englanti - A Essência da Nova Fábula do Cristal: A Saga da...

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A Essência da Nova Fábula do Cristal: A Saga da...
Lähettäjä Marquesguerra
Alkuperäinen kieli: Brasilianportugali

"A Essência da Nova Fábula do Cristal: A Saga da Mitologia - O Sonho, A Lenda, O Império."

The Essence of the New Fable of the Crystal

Kääntäjä Dalmo
Kohdekieli: Englanti

"The Essence of the New Fable of the Crystal: The Saga of the Mythology - The Dream, The Legend, The Empire."
Huomioita käännöksestä
Although "Saga" would be a more faithful translation, "novel", "narrative", and just plain "story" could take its place depending on a larger context.

In "the Mythology", "the" can be omitted depending on how specific this "Mythology" is in the whole text. This would also render possible the use of "the Mythology Saga" as a phrase itself. (Note that the same thing may apply to "Crystal")

Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut IanMegill2 - 19 Lokakuu 2007 11:48