Sezona olduğu gibi ikinci yarıya da kötü başlayan, ancak Gaziantep karşısında elde ettiği sezonun en farklı galibiyetiyle moral bulan Fenerbahçe’de taraftarların heyecanı transfere döndü.
The supporters' excitement has turned over to the transfer business in Fenerbahçe who made a bad start to the season as well as to the second half but had its morale boosted upon the triumph - which was the most distinct of the season- it had against Gaziantep.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
"Fenerbahçe" and "Gaziantep" are the names of football teams
Senest valideret eller redigeret af dramati - 23 Februar 2008 18:58
Exactly. In the US players are viewed more as business property and not as people. We actually say so and so was SOLD to such and such a team. Strange quirk in our way of looking at things. Portuguese we also use the verb "vender" (sell) for soccer players.
The teams "sell" the "passes" it means they negotiate the value (sometimes pathetically high) of the "talent" of a player.
Brazilian teams have sold too many players lately. Some of them to Turkey.