At a friend's. If you could leave your phone number, it would be easier to communicate. You can see for yourself that we cannot organize anything via the Internet.
At which friend's? No problem
Senest vurdert og redigert av Lein - 3 Januar 2011 12:57
I can't speak Lithuanian; my job here is just to make sure that the English texts are correct in terms of grammar etc. I would suggest the following small edits to make the English translation sound more natural; please let me know if you agree
At a friend's. If you could leave your phone number, it would be easier to communicate. You can see for yourself that we cannot organize anything via the Internet.
At which friend's? No problem as a loose phrase, 'no problem' is more common. The plural 'problems' is more often used in sentences like 'I had no problems finding a hotel'